Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday, March 17, 2014

Written Version of Farewell Speech

35 വർഷത്തെ  അദ്ധ്യാപന സർവീസിൽനിന്നും വിരമിക്കുന്നതിനോടനുബന്ധിച്ചു   അക്കാദമിക്ക്  കൌണ്‍സിലും സഹപ്രവര്ത്തകരും  നൽകിയ  യാത്രയയപ്പിൽ ഈയുള്ളവനു  പറയാനുള്ള യാത്രാമൊഴി:

While the last return from the school
After thirty five years of attachment.
Memories stroke me just a moment
Under the shadow of mango tree
Which planted by me years back
and grown tremendously with plenty of mangoes .

I' be satisfied, if it(the tree) be a symbol of my past students
Who learned from me and spread over to face the life.
Wish all of them the courage with knowledge
As enough to transform the system and love the humanity.

With prayers,
Yours teacher, K P A Waha

Farewell speech at KSTA Sent off

On Sent off by Panniyanoor panchayath Education Councul